Global Water Watch Blog

This page provides an overview of the blog posts.

  • Analyzing Cape Town's day zero with Global Water Watch's API

    From the very start of our project, Global Water Watch (GWW) has worked with and spoken with potential end users in governments, water management authorities, environmental agencies, research institutions, and humanitarian aid organizations about what functionalities are essential on Global Water Watch to allow these potential users to fill a critical knowledge gap for their operations. We learned that many use cases require an open and programmable interface to our data. Researchers and users that wish to conduct their own analysis or build their own application or dashboard on top of GWW can now start developing. Our first dataset is now entirely accessible via an Application Programming Interface (API). With this API we can retrieve and list reservoirs and their properties, and retrieve time series of surface water area. In this blog we demonstrate how easy it is to analyze surface water related droughts at scale with the data, API and some python coding. We also detail our future plans for the API. For coders, researchers and developers, we provide code snippets and the full Jupyter Notebook with code in the link below this article.

    Hessel Winsemius